Antojai Energy Healing on Depression
(2016 Base Studies)
Study: to monitor effective uses of Ascended energy healing when treating depression.
Frequencies were administered at random for two weeks, followed by a placebo week, and finished with a randomized daily dose for the final week. Doses react exactly as medication would. The previous day combines with the present day dose... maintaining levels.
I did not communicate when the dose would be absent, nor did I inform any patient of my experiments operation.
It is with these base studies, that we intend to inspire fellow researchers to continue helping us expand knowledge on this form of healing.
Male, Age 24
"It's helped me improve by just me changing my habits in general. More productive, Working out 🏋, Eating healthy 🥗, Making art 🎨, Meditating 🙇🏼, Job hunting 👔 Etc. It's allowed me to take charge."
Dr. Carrasquillo:
Massive changes in anxiety, depression, & vitality.
Violet-Blue line wants to go down⬇️
Light pink line wants to go up⬆️
Colored lines are prescription doeses of each frequency used..
Throughout the month my patient did react 1/1 to every dose with amazing improvement. Prior to the study, my patient was dealing with high, and unstable levels of anxiety and depression. This would cross over into all aspects of his life, which he communicated was a major problem. As soon as the study begins he reacts to the doses, and continues to improve until the condition was completely dismissed. His days directly corresponded to his improvement until they maxed out at amazing days (scores of 10). His psyche has been influenced not only to seek better life experiences, but to better himself as a whole. The shift has been internal, and external, making every aspect of his daily life more abundant and successful.
Carrasquillo, A. (2016). Antojai Shamanic Wellness
Copyright © 2017 Antojai Shamanic Wellness, All rights reserved.
Female, Age 20
Lighter, happier, changing habits
More energy and internal balance
"My energies seem to be flowing more freely. They were usually held back because I had so much to do but this month I have channeled good and bad energy into yoga again"
Dr. Carrasquillo:
Major impact on Anxiety & Depression.
Violet-Blue line wants to go down⬇️
Light pink line wants to go up⬆️
Colored lines are prescription doeses of each frequency used..
Throughout the month my patient did react 1/1 to every dose with amazing insight. At day 2 of week 1, patient ends a romantic relationship with her partner, sending her emotional center to extreme shifts. I monitored her Snapchat unknown to her. After the first two weeks her account was not monitored. She would recite the incantation of Frequency 11: Ascended Healing during her first week. This made internal shifts of consciousness within her which motivated her to stop smoking, stop being depressed about the loss of her relationship, change her daily habits to make her more happy, and cleared her mind so that she could focus on her most inner desires. Her psyche was influenced towards a more conscious-self, with improved astral body responses.
Prescription chart:
Carrasquillo, A. (2016). Antojai Shamanic Wellness
Copyright © 2017 Antojai Shamanic Wellness, All rights reserved.